Top 10 Drinking Games of All Time

guy playing beer pong outdoors

College life is a time for learning, self-discovery, and unforgettable memories. And what better way to make those memories than with a thrilling round of drinking games? Whether you’re hosting a wild party or just hanging out with friends, drinking games can add a playful twist to your social gatherings. In this blog post, we present to you the top 10 drinking games of all time. These classics are guaranteed to bring the fun, laughter, and occasional embarrassment to any college party. So, let’s dive right in!

Beer Pong

No list of drinking games would be complete without the iconic Beer Pong. This game combines skill, precision, and a love for beer. Teams take turns throwing ping pong balls into cups of beer, and if successful, the opposing team must drink the contents of the cup. It’s a staple of college parties and a surefire way to get the night rolling.


Kings, also known as King’s Cup, is a card-based drinking game that requires a deck of cards and a thirst for adventure. Each card has a specific rule associated with it, and players take turns drawing cards and following the corresponding instructions. From waterfall chugging to truth or dare, Kings guarantees a wild and unpredictable night. Find our customizable master list of all Kings mini games here.

Flip Cup

The ultimate test of hand-eye coordination and teamwork, Flip Cup is an energetic drinking game that will have everyone cheering. Teams line up on opposite sides of a table and attempt to drink their beer and flip the cup upside down using only their fingers. The team that finishes first wins the round and, of course, the glory.


Titties (also known as tummies) is a Beer pong variation in which players bounce pong balls off their partners chest and into the cups. This game is a great way to freshen up the beer pong table when traditional pong is getting a little old. Titties is great on it’s own or as an event in a beer olympics.

setup for titties drinking game


Quarters is a simple yet challenging game that only requires a few coins and a keen aim. Players take turns bouncing a quarter off the table and into a cup of alcohol. If successful, the player gets to choose someone to drink. With each successful shot, the game becomes more challenging and the party livelier.


Flong is a relay race that mixes beer pong and flip cup. The Flong Drinking game is a great game when you are bored of traditional beer pong. The relay race nature makes this game much more fast paced and competitive than many other drinking games making it a perfect fit for a tournament or a beer olympics. It also doesn’t have a limit of how many players can play, making it a much more inclusive game at a party.

setup for flong drinking game

Drunk Jenga

Adding a tipsy twist to the classic game, Drunk Jenga is a game of skill and steady hands. Each block has a rule written on it, such as taking a sip or assigning drinks. As the tower becomes more unstable, the hilarity and the tension rise, making it a must-play at any college gathering.

Beer Hockey

Beer Hockey takes the popular sport of the same name and turns it into a table top drinking game. In beer hockey a coin acts as the puck, while you finger acts as a hockey stick. The object of the game is to flick a spinning coin at one of your opponents nets (represented by beer bottles or cans). Traditionally beer hockey doesn’t have an end, so you may want to select a number of points to play up to.

The main variation from Beer Hockey to regular hockey aside from it being played on a table is that Beer Hockey has all players playing as individuals, while hockey is a team sport in which two teams compete.

Rage Cage

Rage Cage, also known as Stack Cup or Slap Cup, is a high-intensity game that tests both your reflexes and your drinking abilities. Players gather around a table with a cup of beer in front of them. A single ping pong ball is bounced onto the table, and the player who touched it last must drink their beer and start the game all over again. The goal is to stack cups on top of each other while keeping up with the ball’s pace. The tension builds as the cups grow taller, making every round more thrilling than the last.

setup for stack cup


The Tourettes drinking game is a card drinking game that has been a staple at my parties for years. The name may be a little out dated and even a little offensive so feel free to rename it. This game is very simple to play, and more importantly very simple to teach! Even the drunkest idiots can figure out how to play the Tourettes drinking game. The game is played in short 1V1 rounds where the dealer goes around the circle challenging each player. The dealer will start with the player on their right and flip over the first card in the deck. Quickly the dealer and competing player must blurt out a word the starts with that cards letter. (For example if an Ace is pulled the opponents can yell Apple, Asshole, Architecture, or any creative A word in there vocabulary). The first person to come up with a word wins.

Remember to always drink responsibly, know your limits, and take care of yourself and your friends. Drinking games are meant to enhance social interactions and create a lively atmosphere, but it’s crucial to prioritize everyone’s safety and well-being. So gather your friends, stock up on your favorite beverages, and let the games begin! Cheers to an unforgettable college experience!


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