A Smashin’ Good Time: Super Smash Bros Drinking Game

Welcome to the ultimate gaming experience with a twist! If you’re a fan of Super Smash Bros and enjoy a social drink with friends, we’ve got the perfect combination for you. Get ready to level up your multiplayer battles with a Super Smash Bros drinking game that will have you laughing, cheering, and enjoying every moment. Before we dive into the rules, let’s go over what you’ll need to get started. If Mario Kart is more your speed check out our Mario Kart Drinking Game.


To get this party started, make sure you have the following items on hand:

  1. Super Smash Bros Game: Whether you have a Nintendo Switch, Wii U, or any other compatible gaming console, ensure you have the Super Smash Bros game ready to roll.
  2. Alcoholic Beverages: Choose your favorite adult beverages to enjoy during the game. Always drink responsibly and ensure that all participants are of legal drinking age. Non-alcoholic alternatives are available for those who prefer not to drink.
  3. Cups or Shot Glasses: Have enough cups or shot glasses for each player to hold their chosen drink.


Now that you have everything ready, it’s time to set up for the epic battles:

  1. Selecting Characters: Before starting the first match, establish a character selection order. The player who won the previous match gets the first choice, followed by the second-place player, and so on. This ensures a fair rotation and keeps the excitement flowing.
  2. Game Start: Gather all players and have them ready with their beverages. During the countdown before the match begins, players can take a drink from their cup to get in the gaming spirit.

Super Smash Bros Drinking Game Rules

With everything set up, let the games begin! Here are the rules for the Super Smash Bros drinking game:

  1. Stock Loss: Whenever a player loses a stock (life), they must take a drink for each stock lost. As the battles intensify, so will the sips!
  2. Power of the Smash Ball: The appearance of the coveted Smash Ball is a game-changer. When it appears during a match, all players must pause the fight, take a drink, and then resume the battle with a new surge of energy.
  3. The Final Smash: Successfully executing a Final Smash allows the player to assign a drink to any opponent in the game. Be strategic with your attacks, and watch your opponents take a sip!
  4. Self-Destruct Penalty: Accidentally self-destructing or falling off the stage without being hit calls for an extra drink. Stay focused, or your cup will be empty in no time!
  5. Victory Toast: The winner of each match can relish their triumph by assigning drinks to the other players. Celebrate in style!
  6. Character Diversity Rule: Encourage variety by prohibiting players from choosing the same character for more than two consecutive matches. A broken rule results in an extra drink for the offender.
  7. Random Character Battle: Add some unpredictability by having a random character selection match. Losers will have to take a drink and embrace the unexpected challenges.
  8. Final Showdown Tradition: In the final match, all players celebrate the grand finale by taking a drink during the character selection screen, setting the stage for a memorable battle.


Get ready for an exhilarating night filled with Super Smash Bros and delightful drinks. The Super Smash Bros drinking game combines the thrill of competitive gaming with the enjoyment of shared laughter and camaraderie. As with any drinking game, please remember to drink responsibly and take breaks as needed. So, grab your controllers, prepare your beverages, and let the battles and sips commence! Cheers to a smashin’ good time!


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