Flong Drinking Game

How to play flong

Learn how to play Flong, the drinking game that mixes beer pong and flip cup into one epic relay race. The Flong Drinking game is a great game when you are bored of traditional beer pong. The relay race nature makes this game much more fast paced and competitive than many other drinking games making it a perfect fit for a tournament or a beer olympics. It also doesn’t have a limit of how many players can play, making it a much more inclusive game at a party.

Players: 4+


  • Two solo cups per player
  • Ping pong balls
  • Alcohol
  • Table


Divide into two even teams. Place cups in two parallel lines at the respective edge of the table beginning at the far end of the table as seen in photo above. 

How to play Flong Drinking Game diagram
Setup diagram for Flong

How to Play Flong Drinking Game

  1. Flong is a relay race so both teams will be playing at the same time.
  2. Teams determine the order they will be playing at assign alternating cups to each player. For example, Cup 1= Player A, Cup 2 = Player B, Cup 3 = Player A, Cup 4 = Player B etc.
  3. Players line up in a single file line in order of turns.
  4. The first Player on each team begins trying to shoot into the first cup in the line. If they miss or sink the wrong cup they must retrieve the ball and continue to shoot.
  5. Once a cup is sunk they must run to the cup, chug it and flip it.
  6. Once the flip is complete they may return to the back of the line and the next player may begin to shoot.
  7. First team to sink and flip all cups wins. 

As always remember to cut yourself off before becoming too intoxicated. Do not drink and drive.

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