
How to play spinners the coin drinking game

Learn how to play Spinners, the popular coin based drinking game. Spinners only takes a coin and some alcohol so it can be played anywhere from a bar to a house party. This is a great intro to coin games because the principles from this game are used in many other coin games such as Landmines.

Players: 4+


  • Coin (quarters work best)
  • Alcohol
  • Table and chairs


Sit around the table and choose one player to go first. Give the quarter to the player going first.

How To Play Spinners

  1. The starting player begins by spinning the quarter and calling out the name of another player.
  2. The player who’s name was called has two options. They may either try and flick the quarter to keep it spinning OR attempt to stop the quarter upright with one finger.
  3. If the player successfully flicks the coin and keeps it moving they get to call another players name. BUT if the coin falls due to the flick the player must take a drink.
  4. If the player successfully stops the quarter upwards with their finger, they may give out a drink and flick the quarter to start a new round.

If this game starts to get easy you can put some obstacles (such as empty beer bottles) on the table. The quarter will bounce around making it more difficult to keep a longer spin.

This game doesn’t have a finite end time. It can be played indefinitely. Because of this it can lead to a lot of consumption so please walk away if you are starting to feel too intoxicated. Do not over consume or drink and drive.

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