Sip Sip Shot

Sip, Sip, Shot drinking game

Sip, Sip, Shot is the alcoholic adult version of the childhood game Duck, Duck Goose. This game is blast of nostalgia. It’s similarity to the children’s game makes it very easy to teach to party guests. This is a great mini game addition to King’s Cup but is also fun to play on it’s own. Turning Duck Duck Goose into a drinking game is a great way to add a hilarious energy to a party. Chasing each other around after a few drinks can get very competitive and it makes for some hilarious moments. Learn how to play Sip, Sip, Shot for your next party.

Players: 4+


  • Table
  • Chairs
  • Alcoholic beverages of choice


Sit around the table with a drink in front of you. Select a player to be “It”.

How to Play Sip, Sip Shot

The rules of Sip, Sip, Shot are very similar to the children’s game Duck, Duck, Goose.

  1. Just like Duck, Duck, Goose the player who is it goes around the table tapping each player on the head and says “Sip” as they touch peoples heads.
  2. They continue to say sip while touching players on the head. When a person is touched on the head they must take a sip.
  3. At any moment the person who is “It” may say the word “shot” instead of “Sip”
  4. When “Shot is called the person who was tapped on the head must stand up and race the person who is it around the circle and back to their seat.
  5. The loser of the race must take a shot and be “It” for the next round.

This game can have a lot of consumption so please walk away if you are starting to feel too intoxicated. Do not over consume or drink and drive.

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