
How to play Buffalo drinking game

Learn how to play buffalo. Buffalo is a great drinking game because it never ends. It can be played in the background all night long while party guests talk, play other games or dance.

Players: 2+ (the more the merrier so get the whole party involved)


  • Alcohol


Have all players announce what hand is their dominant hand. In the event that someone is ambidextrous they must choose a hand that they will use for the evening. Let the party gets go off and do their own thing. They can play beer pong, dance, or have side conversations.

How To Play Buffalo

The rules of Buffalo are very simple:

  • Players must hold their beverages with their non-dominant hands.
  • If a player holds their drink with their dominant hand another player may point at them and yell BUFFALO!
  • The player who was drinking with the wrong hand must now chug their drink and open a new one.
  • If buffalo is wrongfully called on someone, (IE: they WERE drinking with their non-dominant hand) the person who called buffalo must finish their drink.

This game may start slow but the as the drinks start flowing people will start yelling buffalo and getting really into it. The best part of this game is it lasts all night, and typically comes and goes in waves. Players will forget about it, lose focus, and slip up only to have buffalo called on them.

Fun Fact: Legend has it the name buffalo actually comes from the Wild West. Apparently cowboys would hold their drinks with their non-dominant hand so that if they saw a buffalo they could use their dominant hand to reach for their pistol and shoot it.

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