Chase the Unicorn

chase the unicorn drinking game

The Chase the Unicorn drinking game is the ultimate combination of a pub crawl and an adult version of hide and seek. What grown-up doesn’t want to play hide and seek again? Especially under the influence. Chase the unicorn is a great way to explore your cities downtown core, and pop into bars you’ve been meaning to check out and old favourites. The basic premise of the game is for all players to pitch in money to a drinking fund. The unicorn hides at a bar and starts drinking with the money from the fund. As players find the unicorn they get to use the fund for there own drinks. This is one of the best drinking games I have ever played however it can get expense. If your looking for a cheaper game try Beervenger Hunt or The Alphabet Game.

Players: 4+ (The more players you have the more fun, and successful this game will be)


  • Area of town with a dense bar population.
  • A unicorn mask (or any kooky costume).
  • $5 – $10 each player per round


First and foremost all players must agree on boundaries for the game to take place. Make a list of bars or choose certain streets that are in play. Once the boundaries are in play choose someone to be The Unicorn. This person is going to get the most fun role in the game so you may want to give it to someone who has birthday or special occasion coming up. The unicorn must begin wearing the mask and cannot take it off for the remainder of the round. All other players must pay the unicorn $5-$10. (They deserve the money, after all they are embarrassing themselves in public by wearing a unicorn mask).

How to Play Chase The Unicorn Drinking Game

  1. Select a bar as a starting point. All players must go into the bar and order a drink. While the players order their drinks the unicorn must run and “hide” at another bar. The drink that the players order will act as the “counting” in hide and seek. Once a player finishes their drink they may leave to go look for the unicorn. This gives the unicorn plenty of time to hide.
  2. When the unicorn arrives at his/her hiding spot they may start buying drinks from the money that was given to them.
  3. Players can go from bar to bar looking for the unicorn. The catch? They must order a drink at any bar they step foot in so choose wisely.
  4. There is some strategy here, you can order a shot to quickly get to another bar, or pace yourself with a beer.
  5. Slowly players will find the unicorn. When they arrive at the bar the unicorn is hiding at they are now entitled to some of the prize money and get to purchase drinks with the pot as well.
  6. The game ends when the money runs out, or when the last person finds the unicorn.

Additional Rules

  • If the unicorn is caught not wearing the mask/costume they must pay a predetermined fine into the next rounds pot.
  • For added fun the unicorn may choose to text pictures, riddles or clues to taunt the other players.

This game has players finishing a lot of drinks in a short period time. If you begin to feel too intoxicated cut yourself off. Do not drink and drive.

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