Thumper Drinking Game

How to play Thumper drinking game

Thumper drinking game is one of the most iconic games of all time. I have seen it played at parties, bars and hostels all around the world. Even movies have portrayed Thumper. The beauty of this game is it takes no equipment As a result it is incredibly easy to learn so it works at any type of gathering. This game works great as a standalone game, or as a mini game as a part of King’s Cup. The more intoxicated the players get the harder it will be to follow due to the fast paced nature of thee game. Learn how to play thumper drinking game with these simple instructions.

Players: 4+ (Note: the more people that play the more challenging the game will become).


  • Table and chairs
  • Alcohol


  1. Have players sit around the table in a circle with their drink in front of them.
  2. Each player chooses a hand signal that will represent them for the remainder of the game.
  3. Go around the circle and showcase your hand signal, memorizing each persons signal.

Thumper Hand Signals

Feel free to get creative with you, hand signals as they can be literally anything. You can make them as funny and playful as you wish. If you need some help getting started here are some examples:

  • Rub your belly and pat your head
  • give the middle finger
  • make a funny face
  • pretend your an elephant
  • The shocker
  • Something hilarious in sign language

Thumper Song / Chant

One of the best parts about Thumper is it has a fun chant. Once everyone learns the chant players begin yelling it, and it really gets the party fired up. The chant is a call and response song that is done while all players make a beat by drumming on their legs or the table. One leader (the person starting the round) calls out parts while the other partygoers respond. It goes like this:

LEADER: Whats the name of the game?

Players: Thumper!!

Leader: Why do we play it?

Players: To get fucked up!!!

How to Play Thumper Drinking Game

  1. Choose a player to go first. This player is the leader.
  2. All players begin the game by simultaneously drumming on their legs while the leader begins the thumper chant.
  3. As the chant ends players continue drumming trough the duration of the game.
  4. The leader now begins by performing their hand signal followed by another players hand signal.
  5. The player who’s hand signal that was performed must now do their own hand signal followed by another players without hesitation.
  6. This continues until someone makes a mistake by either hesitating, or performing an improper hand gesture.
  7. When a mistake is made the player must take a drink.
  8. The player that lost may now start a new round as the leader and begin singing the song.

This game can have a lot of consumption so please walk away if you are starting to feel too intoxicated. Do not over consume or drink and drive.

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