Old Mexico

Old Mexico is a frat house staple where I’m from. Essentially players take turns rolling dice to try and get a higher number. Lowest number takes a drink. This game has a lot of yelling and energy that gives it its charm.

Players: 3+

  • 2 dice

Sit around a table with two dice

Game Play

Before starting with the rules we will go over what each number represents.

The Dice are read as ONE double digit number starting with the highest number. For example if you roll a 4 and a 2 it is read as a FOURTY TWO.

2 and 1 or TWENTY ONE is called an “Old Mexico” this is considered the best roll. When it is rolled all players are encouraged to yell “OOOOOOLD MEXICOOOOOOOO”. (Don’t ask why, but it’s fun and adds an indescribable energy to the game)

  1. Everyone rolls one dice. Highest roll goes first.
  2.  The starter has up to three rolls to get the best score they can. The starter’s score is the score of their last throw i.e., if you throw a 54 with your first throw and elect to take a new throw, you must use the new throw even if it’s lower.
  3. When rolling a player may also choose to keep one die on the table and only pick up one for the rerole. For example, if a 2 and a 6 was rolled you could pick up just the 6 in an attempt to role a 1 (old Mexico).
  4. The next player will now roll trying to get a higher number
  5. The player with the lowest roll drinks ONE drink UNLESS an Old Mexico (21) is rolled. Then the loser must finish their drink.
  6. If multiple Old Mexicos are then the next lowest number also loses. For example if 3 Old Mexicos are rolled then the bottom 3 players must finish their drinks.
Bonus Rules

Here are some rules to spice up the game:

  • 11 SNAKE EYES: Cover your eyes. Must finished the round blind folded
  • DOUBLES: If a double is rolled you must drink that number. IE 44 drink 4
  • OFF THE TABLE: If a die falls off the table you lose your remaining rolls and must go with the first number you rolled.

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