Medusa Drinking Game

Medusa is a fun and simple drinking game that can be enjoyed with a group of friends. This is a alternate version of Flip Cup. The benefit of Medusa is it is a every player for themselves game so you do not need an even number to create teams. The game is named after the mythical Greek creature Medusa, who had snakes for hair and could turn people to stone with her gaze. The game requires a group of players, beer, and cups, and can be played in a circular arrangement, with everyone sitting or standing around a table.


  • Beer
  • Cups
  • Table


To set up the game, you’ll need a group of people to play. Next, arrange the table in a circular fashion so that everyone is facing each other. Then, pour beer into cups and place them in front of each player.

How to Play Medusa Drinking Game

  1. Everyone starts with their heads down on the table.
  2. On the count of three, everyone looks up and makes eye contact with another player.
  3. If you’re looking at someone who isn’t looking at you, you’re safe.
  4. If you’re looking directly into someone else’s eyes, it’s time for “Medusa”.
  5. Medusa is when anyone making eye contact goes head to head in flip cup. There may be multiple flip cup duels happening at once.
  6. The loser of each flip cup duel is out.
  7. The game continues until there is one person standing.
  8. Repeat Until one player remains. The sole surviving player is the winner.


Medusa is a fun and fast-paced drinking game that can be enjoyed by a group of friends. The game is simple to set up and play, and the rules are easy to follow. The game gets more challenging as players are eliminated, making it a fun and exciting game to play with a group of friends. So grab your beer, cups, and friends, and get ready to play Medusa!

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