Beer Die Rules

Group of four playing beer die drinking game

Learn the beer die rules. Beer die is a dice drinking game popularly played by college students—the goal of the game is to land the die into your opponent’s cup. The game contains two teams of at least two players—each player having his cup on the table. The participants try to get their die into their opponent cup. This game is quickly becoming one of the most popular drinking games around.

Players: 4


  • 4′ by 8′ long plywood table
  • 2 Dice (We recommend Mile High Dice)
  • Four pint-size glasses
  • Beer

Beer Die Setup

  • Set each cup placed a hand’s lengths distance away from each corner of the beer die table. 
  • Divide into two teams. Stand opposite of each other (similar to beer pong)
  • Each player must fill the cup in front of them with a beer of their choice.
  • All players must agree on a height boundary. This is the minimum height the die must be tossed. 

Beer Die Rules

  1. To determine which team gets the first toss, one player rolls the die. The opposing team calls high or low. If the number rolled is three or less, that is considered low. But if the number rolled is four or higher, that is considered high. If the opposing team called the right roll, they would receive the first toss. If they are incorrect, the other team gets to go first.
  2. Predetermine if you are playing to 9 or 11 points.
  3. Each player on the first team will then attempt to throw the dice into the opponent’s cup. Tally the points awarded (See below for scoring).
  4. The second team now has a chance to throw the beer die. The points are then tallied again. Teams alternate turns until a winner is determined.
  5. Every three points scored, the defending team must chug their beer and refill it.

Beer Die Scoring

The die must be thrown within the predetermined height regulations to score a point. The die must hit the opposing team’s side of the table first to score a point; however, it may bounce anywhere after that.

If the defending team catches the die using ONE hand and no other body part before it touches the ground, points are not rewarded. 

In the event the die hits the table and the throwing team did not catch it, the throwing team gets 1 point.

If the die bounces off the opponent cup and gets off the table without being caught, that’s 2 points

In the event the die goes into the opponent cup directly, then the throwing team gets 3 points. If this happens, the defending team must both finish your respective beers and fill them up again. 

Additional Drinking Rules

Take a drink if….

  • You throw the dice and it does not make it to the opponents side of the table
  • The table is completely missed when you throw
  • You lose the die
  • The die lands and shows a 5
  • You throw out of your turn

This game can lead to a lot of alcohol consumption so please walk away if you are starting to feel too intoxicated. Do not over consume. Do not drink and drive.

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