How to Play “Fuck the Dealer” Drinking Game: Rules and Setup Guide for College Students

Setup for Screw the dealer (also called fuck the dealer)

Looking for a casual drinking game to enjoy with friends? Look no further than “fuck the Dealer,” (also called Screw the Dealer) a fast-paced game that can get everyone tipsy in no time. In this post, we’ll go through everything you need to know to play the game, from equipment and setup to the rules and gameplay. So grab your drinks and let’s dive in!

What is “Fuck the Dealer” Drinking Game?

“Screw the Dealer” is a classic drinking game that involves guessing something about a card dealt by the dealer. The origin and history of the game are unknown, but that doesn’t stop it from being a popular game among college students. In this game, the dealer deals a card to a player, who then has to guess something about it. If the player gets the answer right, the dealer drinks, but if they get it wrong, they drink. This fast-paced game is perfect for a casual night in with friends.

Equipment: What You’ll Need to Play “Fuck the Dealer”

To play “Screw the Dealer,” you’ll need a standard deck of 52 playing cards. Joker cards are not used under the traditional rules, but you can include them if you want to make the game more challenging. Any kind of playing cards can be used. In addition, you’ll need glasses for each player and the dealer to hold their drinks.

Setup: How to Get Started

First, shuffle the deck of cards and have each player draw one card and place it face down in front of them. On the count of three, everyone turns over their card, and the player with the lowest-ranking card becomes the dealer for the first round. If two or more players have the same card, reshuffle the deck and choose cards until a dealer is selected. The dealer then shuffles the deck one more time and is ready to play.

Rules: How to Play “Screw the Dealer”

The dealer places the deck of cards in the center of the table and draws one card to place in front of the player to their left. The dealer then asks the player a question about the card. The question can be anything as long as it isn’t overly specific. For example, the dealer can ask what suit the card is. If the player guesses correctly, the dealer drinks, and the player becomes the new dealer. If the player guesses incorrectly, they drink, and the dealer moves on to the next player.

The dealer keeps drawing cards and asking questions until three wrong answers are given. The dealer can then choose the new dealer, or the player to their left becomes the dealer. There is no specific endpoint to the game, but it’s recommended to end the game after 30-45 minutes, as players can get drunk very quickly.

Custom Rules: Making the Game Your Own

“Screw the Dealer” is a versatile game that can be customized to fit your preferences. For example, you can make the dealer change after one question to speed things up, or you can add more challenging questions. Whatever custom rules you come up with, make sure everyone knows the rules before the game starts.

Conclusion: Have Fun and Drink Responsibly

Playing “Screw the Dealer” is a fun way to enjoy drinks with friends, but it’s important to drink responsibly. Make sure everyone is of legal drinking age and is aware of their limits. Don’t pressure anyone to drink more than they want to. With these guidelines in mind, you’re ready to play “Screw the Dealer” and have a great time!


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