99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall

99 bottles of beer on the wall drinking game

99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall is a drinking game based off the song with the same name. I don’t know what is more impressive, physically consuming 99 bottles of beer, or finishing the whole song in its entirety. In this drinking game a group of friends try and finish 99 beers (while singing the song) before the night ends. This game sounds like a lot of consumption but the more friends you invite the easier (and more fun) it will. If you are not a beer drinker, but still looking to consume a lot of drinks in a night try The Alphabet Game.

Players: 12+


  • 99 bottles of beer
  • A large wall, ledge, book shelf or table


Line all 99 bottles of beer onto the wall/ledge. All players must learn how to sing the song.


99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall is an old folk song. Ironically this song is typically sung on elementary school field trips by children. The song is more of a chant that goes like this:

” 99 bottles of beer on the wall. 99 bottles of beer.
Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall…

98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer. 
Take one down, pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall…”

The song continues in this fashion counting down to one.

Game Play

This “game” will act more as a theme party. Other games such as Beer Pong or Ring of Fire can be played while this game is in session.

  • To begin the night the first person grabs a beer. The whole party now sings the first verse of the song. ” 99 bottles of beer on the wall. 99 bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall.”
  • The next player can now help themselves to a beer. The whole party now sings the next verse, beginning to count down.
  • Continue until all partygoers have a beer. Now players can break off and mingle.
  • As players need a new beer they may help themselves however they must sing the song once grabbing the beer.
  • Players must remember where the song left off. All party members must also join in on singing.
  • Continue until song is complete or until guest are done drinking.

This gets really fun once players begin to get a little intoxicated and start singing the song louder and louder. It is equally as fun when people lose track of what number in the song they last sang.

This game can lead to a lot of alcohol consumption so please walk away if you are starting to feel too intoxicated. Do not over consume. Do not drink and drive.

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